Terry, Mari, and Erik--the Rudds reunited! That was the good part about the day. The bad part, the very bad part, was that Terry was hit by a car on the way to Skogfjorden and his arm was broken. The bike trip is over for us. Very bad, very sad. |
Terry's awesome nametag made by Dina. Notice the cross country skis on his back as he bicycles along. Awesome! |
Erik told Dina that I play the accordion, and she made a name tag that has the Norwegian name for "parsley", which is Pernille. (pahr-NIL-uh. Wow, such art work! |
And Dina made a Mari name tag with parsley in the background. Wow wow wow. |
Hometown Brazil reunion--Parsley and Bob |
Mari, Erik, and Terry at Skogfjorden. Kjempe fin to be with Erik!!!! |
Daily: 7 miles. Total: 2620.3 miles. Terry was hit by a car, which resulted in a broken arm, and the remainder of the trip is on 'pause', to resume in October, following our Oktoberfest season.
E-mail about the accident follows:
Hi everyone,
On day 51 of our tour, a car ran into me at 7:35 am just after we were leaving our camp spot at Bimidji State Park, Minnesota, on our bicycles. The road was the worst of the entire trip with no shoulder, narrow,lots of traffic, and cars driving fast. The car hit my saddle bags (panniers), ripped them off the racks, and I went down, cussing. The car then passes within 2 feet of hitting Mari.
My left arm hurt, and after Mari's assessment, I was able to cycle the remaining five miles to our planned destination, Skogfjorden, a Norwegian Concordia Language Village language camp where our son Erik is working. A few hours later, after lunch at Skogfjorden, we went to urgent care. My arm was broken and this requires six weeks in a sling.
Our bicycle trip now has a detour; we stop cycling now, drive our route to Atlantic, and return home in three weeks for my Hernia surgery. I can recover from both the broken arm and the Hernia surgery at the same time. After recovery, Mari and I have our German dance and band performances. Following our final Oktoberfest performance in October, we will resume our cross country bike tour, starting from the Norwegian Skogfjorden language camp in Bimidji, Minnesota.
Life is an adventure, and this is just a new chapter that has opened for us. I am fortunate that I did not receive further injuries, and that I was not killed in the accident. I am very lucky, and received fantastic support and welcoming from all the Concordia Language Village /Skogfjorden staff and campers (villagers). Throughout the trip, Mari's unending support made this trip posible. If we would have stayed at home, I would not have a broken arm, but then we would not have had this fantastic bicycle trip adventure of a lifetime of approximately 2600 miles so far!
Stay tuned for the next chapter, starting in October 2012.
Tove and Hans Erik (Erik Rudd) at Allsang. |
In Hans Erik's folkdance class. |
In Hans Erik's folkdance class. |
In Hans Erik's folkdance class. |
Mari dancing with Hans Erik. :) |
Terry Rudd.